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Community Wellness

The Town of Grand Falls-Windsor understands it must play a vital role in initiating community wellness initiatives.


Through EXCITE, the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor brings together citizens, community stakeholders, educators, and clinicians to learn, exchange ideas and create opportunities to enhance community mental wellness. 

The Town has implemented, in partnership with  Killick Health Services, Central Health, and the Shalloway Family Practice Network a series of conferences and events focused on youth mental health.


These have included:


•             Youth Mental Health, Local Perspectives Conference

•             Grand Falls-Windsor Youth Mental Health Collaborative Conference

•             Youth Mental Health Crisis Conference

•             Youth Mental Health Resiliency Conference


The Town of Grand Falls-Windsor recognizes the importance of keeping its community healthy, vibrant and safe for older residents.


In December 2010, the Town formed the Age Friendly Steering Committee (AFSC), in partnership with Central Health, the Exploits Valley YMCA, the Exploits Valley 50 Plus Club, and the Friendly 50 Plus Club. Using the Age Friendly Rural and Remote Communities: A Guide, 300 detailed surveys assessed the age-friendliness of Grand Falls-Windsor and generated a series of action items for implementation. The Town has focused on social participation, community support, and health services as pillars for the wellness of seniors.


Projects that have been implemented and fully funded by the Town of Grand Falls - Windsor include: 


The Town has hosted and organized eight annual senior’s trade fairs with an average attendance of 600 people. Approximately 40 exhibitors focused on seniors’ products and services. Planning is currently for the first post pandemic Seniors Fair on Oct 5, 2023.


Learning the Ropes is an evidence-based program from Baycrest Hospital in Toronto, Ontario and is designed to delay and/or prevent dementia. With a grant from the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, mental health professionals at Central Health received Learning the Ropes program training. Sessions focused on optimizing cognitive health for seniors through lifestyle changes, memory training, and psychosocial support.


The Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, in partnership with Central Health and Memorial University Faculty of Medicine, hosted the 2nd Seniors’ Mental Health Conference, called “Rebuilding Our Mental Health Community After Isolation.”


This event was held on November 16, 2022, topics were sleep and mental health, depression in seniors, impact of the Pandemic and addictions and social isolation.

There are more education events being planned for 2023.

In addition, the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor hosts monthly events focused on enhancing wellness of seniors through socialization, nutrition, arts and physical activities.


The Town of Grand Falls-Windsor through its Age Friendly Steering Committee is working with community partners to  design  and implement needs assessment for an adult care centre.


Adult day centres provide a safe, supportive environment for older adults who need assistance with independent living as they receive essential mental and social stimulation through the centres organized activities. At the same time, the centres offer family members peace of mind that their loved one is in good hands when they are involved with work or other responsibilities.


Adult day programs promote well-being and quality of life by providing social and health-related services.


Activities provided at adult day care centres may include:


• Arts and crafts

• Musical entertainment and singing

• Games that provide mental stimulation

• Exercise appropriate to ability

• Local outings

• Discussion and reminiscing

© 2023 Excite! Corporation + Town of Grand Falls - Windsor.

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